
Couple create funny infertility announcement, and it's OK to laugh

Spencer and Whitney Blake have struggled with infertility for some time. 

Their journey before their adopted sons came into their lives was a long, arduous, and tough time for the couple. 

But like most people who need a healthy dose of comedy, humour was their go-to saviour, getting the couple through dark times. 

So when Infertility Awareness Week came around, it prompted the couple to inject some humour into other people's lives too. 

"Since humour is one of our coping mechanisms, we thought we’d use that to hop on the creative announcement bandwagon in our own infertile way."

"We’re not suggesting infertile people announce their deepest struggle with a silly meme.[…] We’ve just found that laughing at our problems sometimes makes them feel smaller, and couldn’t resist the chance to poke fun at infertility."

The brave couple have learned to accept infertility, with Whitney revealing through their blog: "While I will never love the heartache of infertility, I have developed an appreciation for how it has shaped my story."

With the struggle Spencer and Whitney have battled, they published their contrasting announcements of pregnancy and infertility, and they want people to laugh.

They want people to giggle, so that others who are struggling too, will see there are people out there who understand what you're going through. 

"What used to be such a consuming, challenging part of our life is now usually more of a passing thought. We are so grateful to be parents, but we have not forgotten how lonely and horrible infertility can feel."

"Which is why we thought we’d create something to connect with others who are going through what we went through."

"We think they’re sort of funny in a horrible, that’s-so-true kind of way, so I’m going to be bold and post them anyway," added Whitney. 

We think these images are great, they certainly caught our attention. We cannot begin to imagine the dark times endured by the couple throughout their struggle. 

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