
Baby's first word was not what her parents were expecting... and neither were we

Super-girl, Millie McAvoy, has just said her first words and she makes it known who's boss in her family. 

Most likely learning her new word from her older brother and closest ally 'Robin' we've a feeling this girl is going to kick some butt when she's older. 

Her dad, Michael McAvoy, took a video of his tot when he realised she had spoken her first word, and encouraged her to repeat it while she is sitting in a high-chair. 

The Scottish toddler, is playing with a toy car when her dad starts humming 'na, na, na, na, na'.

The fourteen-month-old continues to stare at her dad as if he's nuts, but she fools us; Millie knew exactly what was coming next, filling in the blanks for the rest of us. 

Millie exclaimed: "BATMAN."

No joke, this miniature hero's first word is Batman. 

Michael and his son, who are Batman and Superman fans, are absolutely delighted to hear Millie in on the action already but according to Michael's Twitter account, his wife may not be as impressed. Lol

How cute is this? Definitely one of the stranger ones… has your child ever said something out of the ordinary for their first words?

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