Big Kids

What's better for a fever - ibuprofen or paracetamol?

KidsFeverIbuprofen and paracetamol are both good and effective medicines that can provide children with basic relief from pain and fever. While they may offer similar relief, they have different side effects and ibuprofen is not recommended for children under six months.

Ibuprofen works by limiting the production of fatty acids called prostaglandins which can cause fever, body aches and pain. It is slightly more powerful and longer lasting than paracetamol and helps to reduce inflammation, swelling and redness.

It can only be taken every six to eight hours and is not recommend in babies due to the fact that it is harder to determine how ill a child is if their temperature is masked for long periods of time. It can also be quite hard on the stomach and is therefore not recommend if your child hasn’t eaten in awhile.

Unlike ibuprofen, paracetamol does not reduce inflammation, although it is a lot milder on the digestive tract and stomach. However, in large doses, it can be extremely toxic to the liver so should only be given every four to six hours.

It is important that you don’t accidently cause your child to overdose on paracetamol by giving them another medicine that may contain it. Always read the ingredients and talk to your GP if you are unsure if a something has paracetamol in it.

Whether you are giving your child paracetamol or ibuprofen it is critical that you get the dose correct. This can be tricky, so call the doctor if you’re unsure. It should be based on weight not on age and must be given at the correct intervals.

Make sure you know your child’s weight and follow a dosage chart. You should not exceed five doses of paracetamol in 24 hours or three doses of ibuprofen in the same time frame. It is very easy to overdose by dispensing out the incorrect measurement with a tablespoon so make sure that you use the syringe or measuring cup that comes with the medicine.

Ask your doctor before giving any medication to a child if they are younger than three months. A baby that young needs to be checked for serious illnesses .

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