Yup! 9 things you'll know to be true if you've ever cycled in Dublin
Cycling in Dublin can sometimes feel like you are taking your own life in your hands.
Whether it's to work, to the shops or as part of your fitness regime (ha, who are we kidding?!), you will definitely experience the following on a trip around the capital city.
1. The bike lanes lead to nowhere
It's like the workers went on tea break and forgot to come back to finish the job off.
2. At times it can feel like you've taken your life in your hands
ESPECIALLY when you find yourself stuck between a bus and a truck.
3. Nobody understands hand signals
Left hand means I'm going left; right hand means I'm going right. Not, I'm waving at you to say hi.
4. You will be covered in muck
Even though you didn't even see any grass on your journey never mind cycle on it.
5. Pot holes have an incredible ability to just pop up out of nowhere
Usually at the last second.
6. You'll get frustrated by the slow cyclists
And be incredibly jealous impressed by the fast ones.
7. You will contemplate wearing lycra
If only to stop you arriving in work sweaty and covered in work.
8. And getting an electric bike
Anything for an easy life.
9. The capital city is actually NOT as flat as people say it is
If you've ever tackled the hill on Newtownpark Ave you'll know all about it.
Do you have a cycling story that you would love to share? Click here and you could be in with a chance of winning €250.