Mum's Life

8 things we LOVE the most about Autumn

The Fall has fallen and the world is quickly becoming a blur of orange, crimson and gold. The mornings are busier, the evenings darker and there's a bite in the breeze that wasn't there before. However, despite the chill, we can think of so many reasons why Autumn is the most wonderful season of all- and here are eight of them.

1. Wellie Boots

Whoever invented wellies was an absolute genius. They are so darn practical and essential in our not-so-perfect climate. Not only are they fab for mums who want to get involved with their kids as they splash around in Autumn puddles, but they are simply adorable on our little ones. The way their little chubby legs look as they waddle through the grass or on the glistening pavement after a shower, is both hilarious and priceless combined.

2. Rosie Cheeks 

When your child comes bounding through the front door after an hour of playing outside in the fallen leaves, grinning from ear to ear. Let's be honest, they are probably looking for food or even money, but they just look so happy after having emerged from the Autumnal wonderland outside, that you'd give the moon and more to see those rosy cheeks glow. 

3.Woolly hats

The ones that come down over your ears and make you feel like you could wether any kind of weather. Once your woolly hat comes out, there is no stopping you. You feel the same way about your little ones- putting that hat on gives you unimaginable peace of mind when they leave the house on a blustery fall morning.

4. Putting on the fire 

Of course, us mums love the heat of the fire- but it's not simply about the heat, is it? That gorgeous glow and woody smell really hit the spot after a long day. No matter how rough your day has been, the atmosphere created by a cosy fire can get you feeling all snuggly in no time at all. 

5. Drinking a whole pot of tea

Yep- every last drop (don't judge). On frosty evenings, take you tea of choice and your favourite mug and sit by the fire- or somewhere equally as comfy. When you've just gotten through the door after a day of work or family madness, there is nothing like curling up on the couch with a book and slowly making your way through a pot of tea. If tea isn't your thing, go for hot chocolate- whatever makes you feel calm and relaxed. Relish these moments- as all mums know, they are few and far between. 

6. Snuggly socks

Snuggly socks for all: For you, for your kids, for your other half, for your parents or neighbours and even a pair for that exhausted mum you meet on the school run who seems to have a hundred kids. Every human on the planet deserves a pair of snuggly socks when the bitter winds begin to blow.

7. Family movie night

This one is painful and wonderful all at the same time. After what seems like years of going through Netflix and voting on what everyone wants, you will end up watching something you would have never been able to sit through pre-parenthood. You may even spend 90 percent of the time shh-ing and threatening to turn it off. No matter what kind of family you have, family movie night is an experience, to say the least, and comes with some precious moments- even if they are easily interrupted!

8. Halloween madness

It's not the night itself, but the run-up to the night of ghouls and goblins. The pumpkin carving, the decorations and the gorgeous Autumnal colours. Your little one will bring home some art they 'spent ages' on, and even though you have no idea what it is (a spider or a witch maybe?) You'll beam with pride and hang it on the wall for all to see.


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