Family Life

7 awesome ways to light the way when trick or treating this year

Trick or treating is listed with ten asterisks in every child's diary as it tends to be their favourite part of Halloween. 

And who can blame them? We have found far worse ways of eating copious amounts of chocolate, giving us both a sugar rush and a tummy-ache at the same time. 

However, while out and about in the dark of night, it's always important to remain safe with your children, and we have seven of the best ways in which you can remain visible while gathering as much candy as you possibly can.

1. Torch

We all have torches hiding in our cupboards for camping or those days when the electrics cut. Have your kid carry the torch around with them, lighting up the way as you make your way around. 

2. Lanterns

Lanterns are cute and can easily become part of a costume. Pick them up in most discount stores, but just make sure they are battery operated. 

3. Trick or Treat Buckets

Glow in the dark trick or treat buckets are an excellent way of having some extra light while going door to door, and the kids will love the idea of them too. 

4. Head Lights

Many people tend to have small lights for helmets at home. Attach this to your child's hat and you couldn't possibly miss them on the night. 

5. Decorative Lights

There are many battery operated decor lights available during the Halloween period, attach them to the candy bucket and not alone will you be lighting the way but it will have the added bonus of making a cool costume. 

6. Phone

Many kids will have mobile phones while doing the rounds for safety purposes, so why not take advantage of the torch light that comes installed? It's easy, quick and effective. 

7. Stickers

Attach glow in the dark stickers to your kid's costume; there are loads of different kinds with both Halloween altered stickers available or plain moons and stars to roll with. Trust us, the kids will absolutely love these. 

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