Family Life

5 ways to save money on food shopping

shoppingSome parents think that cutting the cost of their food bill means they’ll have to compromise the health of their family. But, this isn’t always true. And a lot of the time, you just need to ‘shop smart’ to save a few bobs on food shopping.

Check the press beforehand

This might sound like a no brainer to you, but it’s something that a lot of people forget to do before shopping. Check the presses, fridge, freezer etc. So this way you don’t double up on something you already have at home. Don’t forget to bring shopping bags with you as well and save a few pennies for a rainy day.

Stick to your bank card

If you withdraw cash, you will probably be more tempted to spend it all. To avoid ending up with a pocket full of change and overspending, always use your laser card.

Shop online

If you have a history of impulse buying, then it might be a good idea for you to do your shopping online. Make a list of the things you need and then stick to your budget. Not only are you saving money, but you don’t really have to move an inch.

Get in-season fruit

Buy your fruit during the harvest months and keep them in the freezer. You can use them to make smoothies for your little ones before school or throughout the summer. It’s also a good excuse to get them away from the ice cream van!

Do it yourself

It’s easy to get a bit lazy at times, but making a homemade lunch or breakfast can save you a lot more cash than you think. The next time you do you’re weekly shopping, avoid getting pre-packed sandwiches. Instead, get a few extra things you can use to make one at home. Do this for a couple of weeks and then you’ll start to notice how much you’ve saved.

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