25 little things every mum worries about during the day
From big things to tiny things, the life of a mum is taken up with thoughts and concerns throughout the day.
People tell us not to worry, but it is easier said than done. Some days we find ourselves fretting about the tiniest and silliest things, but it's all part of this crazy journey that is motherhood.
Here are 25 of the little worries that ALL mammas can relate to:
Cutting the crusts off toast
That missing left sock
That walk they do when they are about to outgrow their shoes
Chewing hair
Chewing sleeves
Chewing anything that isn’t food
Puddles without wellies
Month-old crumbs in pockets
Curious stains
When they suddenly hate your go-to-meal you thought was a winner
That missing right shoe
That filthy toy they love
That tiny toy they love and keep losing
White tights that never stay white
Clips or bobbins stuck in curls
Fingers up noses
Inanimate objects up noses
Separating food on a plate
A place to store school art work
The lids of bottles and sippy cups
An itchy head
A mysterious rash
Leaving cups of tea or coffee within reach
Unidentifiable loud noises
Inexplicable silences
And yet we wouldn't change it for the world.