'1 in 80,000 moment': picture of baby born with amniotic sack on head is amazing
Undergoing her second C-section, Rachel Burow, mum-of-two and blogger, was well prepared.
But with the arrival of little Annabelle Burow, a miracle happened.
"Sometimes we get too caught up in the excitement and forget to take a step back and realise the miracle of birth itself," she told Love What Matters.
“To be ‘born with the caul’ means a baby or a child is born with a portion of the amniotic sac or membrane remaining on the head. Being born with a caul is rare, occurring in fewer than 1 in 80,000 births."
As it is so rare to be born with call, the parents were not expecting it, and didn't realise what it was at first.
But after reassurances by doctors, Burow's husband whipped out the camera to capture the magical moment.
“When I first saw the bubble I was just confused," he recalled. "This didn't look anything like our son did 17 months earlier.
"Then I made out her face and got scared for a moment. I thought, ‘This isn’t right! I’ve never seen this.’ I immediately looked at the nurse for reassurance. She said, ‘Quick take a picture, you don’t want to miss this.’
"The lack of worry in her expression levelled me out, and without even knowing what I was looking at, I snapped some shots. I didn't know it was going to be a 1 in 80,000 moment.”
But no matter how amazing the birth, nothing, for the Burows, beats hearing their baby cry for the first time.
"Babies are such a blessing, such a gift and forever a miracle.”
Some believe the caul to have other-worldly gifts, such as being able to protect fishermen or letting the baby see the future.
Whether magical or not, little Annabelle is one special baby!