
Signs your toddler is ready for potty training

toddler pottyGetting ready to potty train is a huge milestone in your little one’s life. It requires certain physical and cognitive skills that most children develop between 18 months and three years of age.

Since children develop at different rates, it’s up to you to decide when your little ones show signs of readiness for potty training. Some parents wait until their child’s bladder control is more reliable during the day and others wait until their little one seems interested in using a potty (this usually happens when they see other children using it).

Here are some signs that indicate your toddler is ready for potty training.

Behavioral signs

  • Has the ability to sit down in one place for at least two minutes.
  • Can pull pants up and down with very little help.
  • Uncomfortable with a wet or dirty nappy and nags you to change it.
  • Shows an interest in bathroom habits i.e. wants to watch others use the toilet or wear underwear.
  • Let’s you know when having a bowel movement. This could mean grunting, squatting, or telling you.
  • Feels proud of his or her accomplishments.
  • Can follow simple instructions or demonstrates a desire for independence.
  • Has an interest in learning how to use the toilet.

Physical signs

  • Is able to walk steadily.
  • Has regular bowel movements around the same time.
  • Is able to stay dry for at least two hours.
  • Is able to stay dry during naps.
  • Doesn’t poo at night time.
  • Has a good amount of urine at some time.

Cognitive signs

  • Understands the importance of putting things where they belong.
  • Understands the questions, like ‘do you need to wee?’ or ‘where is your potty?’
  • Has words for urine and stool.
  • Shows awareness of going for a poo or wee i.e. he or she may go to a corner or tell you before it happens.

You don’t need to tick all the boxes before you begin to potty train your little one. If your little one generally understands the meaning of going to the toilet and isn’t resistant when learning about it, you can take it as a sign.

If you’d like to know to get started, have a look here.

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