
Popular baby names for 2015

baby_namesWe haven’t even finished 2014, but already names for next year are starting to pop up in the US and as we all know, we’re never very far behind in these naming trends.

Names ending in ‘bella’ for girls are on the rise with the already popular Isabella and Arabella being joined by Rosabella and Mirabella for next year. For the boys there is set to be a rise in the use of ‘ett’ at the end of names such as Bennett, Beckett or Averett.

Colour names are also set to be huge with the popular likes of Violet and Scarlett taking a backseat to more unusual choices such as Indigo, Azure, Lavender and Cerulean.

Food names are set to make a wave in the baby name spectrum next year with the most popular expected to be kale. Keeping it green, Romaine and Lettice also make an appearance.

Traditional names are also making a re-emergence, and we can thank Downton Abbey for the likes of Ethel, Sybil, Cora, Lavender and Edith remaining popular. These will be joined on the list by newcomers Hazel and Gus – inspired by this year’s The Fault in Our Stars.

Names featuring ‘X’ in the middle will also make an impact on baby names lists next year with Pixie, Roxanna, Dexter, Jaxon and Lennox becoming popular.

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