
Mum describes the 'trauma' experienced when her daughter walked into her bedroom

Being parents we have all become too used to those unexpected events that occur from time to time. 

You know the ones where your child embarrasses you by saying or doing something you shouldn't do in public etc.

But what happens when your toddler is being just that, a toddler, and they just want their soother back in the comfort of their own home at bedtime?

You seek it out and return their pacifier… well that's usually what happens unless you're in an uncompromising position that is. 

Irish mum blogger, Emma Lou Harris, shared her feelings on the traumatic events which occurred during her 'pants off' session with her partner Joe. 

"There's an inevitable moment in every parents life when your children catch a glimpse of something you'd much rather they didn't."

"Something that the retinas of any grown adult human would need a full lifetime to erase from their traumatised memory boxes, but your own child?"

The mum-of-two's answer? "Fortnightly shrink sessions for life and replacement eyes are a must. And I would give serious consideration to hypnosis."

You see, Emma and Joe, being parents to two little tots, understand that it's not very often you have the energy for much else in the evenings once the kids are in bed, but when you do, you make the most of it. 

Putting the kids down to bed, the parents 'slipped on down to sexy town', and things got pretty heated, until Emma revealed:

"We were JUST about to be reminded why the HELL I ever put up with this b***** leaving his crap all over the house when suddenly, 'Mammy'?"

Emma's three-year-old daughter Frankie comes bursting into the couple's bedroom wanting to know where her soother was, she needed her mum to find it so she could sleep. 

And what ensued was nothing but sheer panic from both Mum and Dad who are now scarred for life, and continuously wonder if their daughter is the same. 

"My panic sweat glands jump into emergency mode busting open like a military operation, […], my vision is blurred with both the sheer fright and with truth tears over fears of who I'll find behind the blur of doom. I knew the answer"

"In that same split second I hear a small girl scream . It's Joe, it was the noise accompanied by him leaping off me higher than a kangaroo hurdler, […], huddled in the corner of the room under a white duvet, rocking back and forth like he's going through an exorcism."

Emma obliged her daughter, however it didn't stop her from wondering what may have been going through her daughter's mind while they stroll back into her bedroom and she nods off back to sleep:

"I don't know what she saw that night. I can't say for definite if she saw too much or if she saw anything at all."

"All I know is, if in the future, My poor poor innocent child ever comes to me and tells me she remembers a very vivid dream where two large warthogs were trying to give each other a hoosh over a wall, […], I guess I'll have my answer."

OK, while the 'rents are off in their trauma counselling session – hands up who has been in a similar situation? 

Don't deny it, we know you've all been there at some point! 

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