Family Life

How to make the most out of family time

familySpending some good quality time with your loved ones can be very tricky.  Between household duties and your children’s extra curriculum activities, you can easily let these precious moments pass.

However, with a bit of creativity, you can find ways to maximise family time.

Revisit your to-do list

Let’s face it, there are always one or two things on our to-do list that we know we’ll never come around to doing that day. Prioritise your list and write down the most important things at the top and the least important things at the bottom.

Start your own tradition

If there’s something everyone in the house enjoys doing then maybe you could start your own tradition. Whether it’s going for a stroll every Sunday afternoon or playing board games on Friday nights, find something that you think you can all commit to.

Reserve a day of the week for family

Choose one day every week (or every two weeks) and reserve it for family time. This could mean cooking dinner together or even doing a bit of arts and crafts. The goal is to interact with your family in a way that doesn’t involve technology or any other distractions. Have open conversation sand just enjoy your time together.

Skip a lie in

If you want to give your children some extra attention, then try waking up slightly earlier one of the days. This will help you get a few bits and bobs out of the way so you can give your little ones more attention when they get home – it’s amazing what an extra 30 minutes can do.

Practice time management skills in work

Stick to deadlines and schedules in work, this way you can avoid bringing any extra work home with you.  When you’re more productive in work, it makes the evening more relaxing.

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