Teen Years

Buying a bra for your daughter

teen braBuying a first bra is a big milestone for any girl. Some get excited about getting one, especially if they feel like all the girls in their class wear bras. Other teens however, think that it’s an embarrassing experience and they hold off for as long as they can.

If your daughter feels awkward about the whole experience,  reassure her and tell her that it’s a part of growing up. At some stage, she will need to wear a bra to support her growing breasts.

Since it’s her first bra, it’s a good idea to get professionally fitted. Your daughter will have the fullest part of her breasts measured as well as under the breast. The right bra will give your teen the most comfort and she won’t have to worry too much about being in pain or having an ugly fit.

Here are the dos and don’ts for buying your teen’s first bra:

Do remind your teen that everyone has a different body shape. If she wants to get a bra that isn’t suited for her, remind her that she will probably wear five to six different sizes in her lifetime. In due time, she will be able to wear the bra that she wants.

Don’t make fun of her for wanting to wear a bra. This can make her feel self-conscious about the whole thing and she might not even want one after it.

Do tell her that nobody is perfect. Breasts are constantly changing and they won’t look exactly the same. It’s perfectly normal for one breast to look slightly bigger than the other, especially at the start.

Don’t get her something that you think she will grow into. Not only will it cause discomfort, but it may also make her feel bad about having big enough boobs.

Do tell her that the right bra will make her feel more comfortable and confident about her body.

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