
Bringing your newborn home: how to make it easier on your older kids

Welcoming a baby to your home is an incredibly emotional and joyous time for parents, but it can be overwhelming for older siblings, particularly if it was just them for a number of years.

While they usually adjust a lot quicker than we give them credit for, it is important that you are sensitive to their needs, especially in the first few weeks.

1. Know where they are coming from

Try to put yourself in their shoes for a bit to better understand their feelings and frustrations. They were the centre of your attention for so long, and it can be hard when they find out they need to share you. Take your time and don’t expect them to coo over Baby like you are and your partner are straight away!

2. Expect jealous behaviour

While they might love the novelty of having another child in the house for the first week or two, patience can start to wear a little thin when they realise Baby is for keeps. But by expecting jealously to appear a little while after the arrival, you will be better prepared to handle it accordingly.

3. Get them involved, so they don’t feel threatened

Toddlers love playing Mummy and Daddy, so embrace this side of them and get them to help out. Show them how to touch Baby, where the nappy-essentials are kept or even how to soothe their sibling when they become distressed. Giving them tasks and little jobs to do will help to give their self-esteem a boost – and they will be less likely to feel threatened.

4. Step up the cuddling

Now is the time to really up your cuddling so your firstborn doesn’t feel like they are missing out. General baby care duties like feeding and dressing can look like you’re giving your newborn all of your time, so make sure you give your firstborn lots of kisses and cuddles.

5. Answer their questions

Your little one is going to be very curious about their younger brother or sister, and will likely ask plenty of questions that can be a little irritating, particularly after a sleepless night. But do try your very best to answer them – they are perfect teachable moments.

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