
5 signs your toddler has allergies

allergiesSince the symptoms of colds and allergies tend to overlap, it can be hard for parents to tell whether their little one has the sniffles or an allergy. Luckily, a doctor will be able to tell if a child suffers from allergies or not.

But, there are some red flags that you can look out for so if you are unsure about what is causing your child’s symptoms, use these as a guide.

If you notice any of these in your toddler, speak to your pediatrician about your concerns:

Nose rubbing

Children with allergies usually rub their nose a lot. They may find it itchy or just have a funny feeling in their nostrils. This is one of the biggest signs for an allergy so if your toddler often rubs his or her nose, it’s a good idea to mention this to your child’s GP.

A stubborn runny nose

A chronic runny nose is a very probably sign of an allergy. They can go on for weeks and in some cases, they go on for months. If your child’s runny nose just won’t go away, then it’s worth seeing a doctor about it.

Constant sneezing

If your little one often sneezes when he or she doesn’t have a cold, then you might just have to do some further investigation. Again, keep track of any symptoms so you explain to your pediatrician all of your concerns.

Always sick

Children with allergies usually get sick a lot. When they get a cold or flu, it often lasts longer than it should. If it seems like your little one is always sick, they he or she could have an allergy.

Symptoms worsen at different times

Allergy symptoms usually worsen in the spring time or around autumn. So if your little one’s symptoms seem worse around this time of year, then it could be a sign of an allergy. Take a note of your child’s symptoms too see if there’s a pattern.

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